Saturday, June 30, 2012

3 Weeks left in Utah!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Holy Cow! Can you believe it?! I'm getting super amped about going to DC and still dreading the heat wave! haha, you'd think I'm not from a desert climate but I am.
So this week was pretty great! My district got to host for the first time and it was awesome! That's when the Elders tear the new missionaries away from their parents (okay nicely escort them to their buildings) and with the sister missionaries we take them to get their name badges, drop of their luggage, get all their learning books, then drop them off to meet their district (oh - a district in the MTC is the class you learn with for how ever many weeks your here - doesn't change because you are all at the same pace and they don't switch that up.) OH - and we get to host again tomorrow!! SO COOL! and next week the Temple is closed for cleaning and we get to help clean it - can I just tell you that things are awesome! I love service! I challenge you to do some service for someone - anyone...Just do a little something to help someone out. Any service done with happiness and love it your heart is a blessing and an act of love.
COOLEST THING - Mission Presidents Seminar is this week and General Authorities get to come to campus (we never see them) and talk to the new mission presidents and their wives that go out this year. They are here from last Saturday til tomorrow I think (and mission presidents get switched out every three years if im correct so about a 1/3 of the worlds mission presidents are switched out every year).
SO that's whats been happening. I've been work on taking less quotes and writing more notes (haha- im a poet :D) so that i can actually remember what i'm writing down. The Spanish is slow and so is the reading but I'm learing and growing through the help of the Spirit which is SOOO Crucial to have in this work. If I learn by the Spirit, I can teach by the Spirit and really let him guide the lesson not my companion or me. So I'm working on it, and I don't think I will ever be perfect at it but I can still try and do eveything I can to have it with me.
NOTES of Awesomeness that I know you all want to hear:
-Daddy: how was California? Have a blast? Mom said that Hazel's son past away - if you are still please give her a big hug for me! I love her! and I know her son will see her again.
-B-man: Hows that hair of yours? mom sent me a picture and you look like a stud - Taylor Lautner status all the way! But I always knew that ;D you still rocking those V-necks?? well you should. Oh and I have a challenge for you to doing over your vacation - get a Preach My Gospel and start reading it - study the words on the page and go study the scriptures it gives you. If there is one this I wish I had done before the mission it's that (because I'm still lacking time to do it here) - it is an amazing resource and I can't wait to use it more. Plus - it will increase your testimony and knowledge of the Savior and the Atonement and help you to have the Spirit with you and that will help you at every point it you life!
-Kylan (erika can you make sure he sees this please): What is the world are you up to my dear friend?? I need a letter from you telling me about all your great adventures? Oh - i have an adventure to tell you about. So this past Saturday we were allowed to watch "The Other Side of Heaven" and I was overwhelmed with awesome missionary thoughts - I think I wrote more thoughts down then I stared at the movie but it was great and I hope you still think it's awesome! Thanks for opening my eyes to the wonderful quotes in that movie :D You're awesome and I miss you friend!
-MY PARENTS = = = = HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Did you like the Monkeys on that card?! haha - i thought I was pretty clever for only having a few choices. But seriously - i love you both and am so grateful for you in my life! Thank you for always being such wonderful examples to me and letting me make my own decisions and always being there when I needed help! you are both amazing and I'm blessed to have you as my parents :D
Well thats about all i have. On Sunday we sang "We'll Bring the World His Truth" and it was so super awesome because the words were changed from "we will be the Lord's missionaries" to "we ARE the Lords missionaries" - pretty cool when something you've sung about your who life was a dream you never knew you had. It's pretty cool to see how you've changed and how far you've come. I know I've gotten to where I am because of a decision my parents my many years ago and am so very very grateful for them and their trust in the Lord. Missionaries brought them the truth and that is what I'm doing. I'm sharing God's love for all of His children - that's you! That is everyone on this Earth! and i'm grateful to have the oppourtunity to share the gift that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This work is true and I may get discouraged at times it is still what I want to do and need to do!
Well i Love you all and will talk to you next week!
Te Amo!
-Hermana Word (2)

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